Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Honours Golf Celebrates Patriot Golf Days

Honours Golf is honoring our service men and women by participating in Play Golf America’s -  Patriot Golf Days from September 2-5, 2011.

Patriot Golf Day was created by Major Dan Rooney to support the Folds of Honor Foundation.  This 501c (3) nonprofit organization assists families of fallen and disabled service men and women, who have served and sacrificed for our country, by providing postsecondary education scholarships and other services for their children and spouses.  Since its inception during Labor Day weekend in 2007, the Folds of Honor Foundation has raised over 5.3 million dollars from the donations of golfers nationwide.  

During Labor Day weekend, every golf club under the Honours Golf umbrella, will request from golfers a $1 or more donation to their green fees to help support the Folds of Honor Foundation.  In addition, some clubs will also be selling Patriot Golf Days logo’d ProV1 golf balls which allow $3 of every dozen sold to be donated to Folds of Honor along with special golf rates to all law enforcement, fire, and military service personnel.  Click here for more information.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bent vs. Bermuda on Putting Greens

Today we tackle the differences between bentgrass and bermudagrass on putting surfaces. Courses that use bermudagrass on their greens typically use a strand known as TifDwarf Bermuda or Champion (Ultra-Dwarf) Bermuda. Golf courses use different strands of bentgrass on their greens including; Colonial, Creeping, or Velvet. In addition to these strands there are other strands of bermuda and bentgrasses that are used on golf course greens.
For a long time bentgrass was considered the King of the putting surface. Bentgrass is great to putt on because of the way that it grows. Bentgrass grows straight and can be cut short which allows it to look good and play fast.  Bentgrass is predominately used on golf courses located in the mid to northern latitudes of the U.S. where the climate is more temperate year round. There are some courses in the southern U.S. that use bentgrass greens as well. Southern courses with bentgrass greens often have to use special fertilizers and industrial cooling fans to keep the bentgrass from overheating during the hot summer months.
Meanwhile, bermudagrass has made great strides over the past few decades. Many in the south now view it as the superior alternative to bent.  With new strains like Champion (Ultra-Dwarf) Bermuda being used, the grass is less grainy than other strains of bermudagrass have been in the past. It also grows really well in warm, humid climates. One great feature of Champion Bermuda is that it can be cut very short, even during the summer months.
Both bentgrass and Champion Bermuda are great choices. But, during really hot summers keeping bentgrass alive can be a challenge. For this reason many golf clubs in the Southeast have been switching to Champion Bermuda. But, when properly maintained both can make great putting surfaces. Both bent and bermudagrasses are used at various Honours’ Golf courses around the Southeast.  At Honours Golf we pride ourselves in maintaining top of the line green conditions year round. So, go out and enjoy a memorable round of golf at an Honours managed golf course near you. We promise that you will enjoy the pristine green conditions regardless of whether you putt on a bermuda or bentgrass green.